This is how it all began. Kim Rasit founder set up H’arts in Mind after the death of her artist brother who had the challenge of living with schizophrenia. Kim has been working for almost 7 years voluntarily.
Trustees credentials: DBS enhanced, Safeguarding level 3. Courses attended Mental Health First Aid, Suicide Awareness, Drug and Alcohol Addiction, Health and Safety, WRAP (awareness of radicalisation), Health & Social Care level 2, Information, Advice and Guidance level 2, Prevent Duty Guidance. Member of NCVO, Drawing and Talking Practitioner, Kim and services of qualified artists. Plus and very importantly, lived experience.
In memory of David, Artist and loved brother.
Trustees: work voluntarily Gary Davis, Anna Schofield, Kim Rasit, Ann Beatty
Gary Davis is a national geographic wildlife photographer and has worked at Cranston Drug and Alcohol charity.
Anna is lead tutor at New Leaf Recovery College and a self taught artist with personal experience of mental health issues
Kim has had four members of her own family with schizophrenia and is a self taught artist and Drawing and Talking Practitioner.Ann has life experience and is also a CEO for a worldwide charity that supports education